Haskell Lists: The Ultimate Guide

Work In Progress


This guide is "Work in progress"

Haskell Lists: Two big Caveats

There are two major differences in Haskell lists, compared to other languages, especially dynamically typed languages, like Python, Ruby, PHP, and Javascript.

  1. First, lists in Haskell are homogenous. This means that a Haskell list can only hold elements of the same type
  2. Second, lists in Haskell are (internally) implemented as linked lists. This is different from many other languages, where the word "list" and "array" is used interchangably. Linked lists and arrays have very different performance characterstics when operating on large amounts of data. Keep this in mind for the future. If you're dealing with very large lists, where you want to randomly access the i-th element multiple times, use a Vector instead.

Constructing lists in Haskell

There are five different ways to construct lists in Haskell:

  1. Square-bracket syntax: This is the simplest and most recognisable way.

    -- A list of numbers
    let a = [1, 5, 7, 12, 56]
    -- A list of booleans
    let b = [True, False, False, True]
  2. Colon operator: This is very similar to the cons function from Lisp-like languages. It adds a single element to the beginning of a list (and returns a new list).

    -- A list containing a single element
    -- This is the same as saying `[99]`
    let a = 99:[]
    -- Keep adding single elements to the beginning of the list 
    -- to progressively get a larger list
    let a = 1:5:6:12:[]
    -- A list of booleans
    let b = True:False:False:True:[]
  3. Using ranges: This is short-hand for defining a list where the elements TODO

  4. List comprehension: If you are starting out with Haskell, I would strongly recommend against using list comprehensions to construct lists. They seem like cool feature, but I find them very opaque and unmaintable. Similar to complex regular expressions - write once, read never! Nevertheless, there is a section dedicated to list comprehensions in Haskell for the sake of completeness.

  5. Monoid interface: The most "complicated", but often used way of defining a list is via its Monoid interface. There is a section dedicated to the Monoid interface of lists if you'd like to know more.

    mempty :: [Int] == []

Pattern-matching of Haskell lists

There are two ways to pattern-match over a list in Haskell, and there's a subtle difference between them.

  1. Using the : constructor:
-- Return the first element of a list, taking care of the edge-case where
-- the list may be empty. Which is why the result is a (Maybe a)
firstElem :: [a] -> Maybe a
firstElem xs = case xs of
  [] -> Nothing
  -- Remember to put parantheses around this pattern-match else
  -- the compiler will throw a parse-error
  (x:_) -> Just x
-- Return the second element of a list
secondElem :: [a] -> Maybe a
secondElem xs = case xs of
  -- Remember the parantheses
  (_:y:_) -> Just y
  (_:[]) -> Nothing 
  [] -> Nothing
  1. Using the [] constructor:
-- Return the first element of a list
firstElem :: [a] -> Maybe a
firstElem xs = case xs of
  -- Remember to put parantheses around this pattern-match else
  -- the compiler will throw a parse-error
  (x:_) -> Just x
  [] -> Nothing

Subtle difference between : and [] when pattern-matching

With : you can pattern-match a list with any number of elements. This is because the last : matches the remainder of the list. Whereas, with [], you can only pattern match a list with an exact number of elements.

For example, to pattern-match a list into (a) first element, (b) second element, and (c) everything else, you can use the : operator as demonstrated below...

-- in the following expression:
-- x = 1
-- y = 5
-- z = [7, 12, 45]
let (x:y:z) = [1, 5, 7, 12, 45]

... however, there is no way to write a similar expression using []. If you try, you'll get an error:

-- the following will always throw an error...
let [x, y, z] = [1, 5, 7, 12, 45]
-- ...while the following will work
let [x, y, z] = [1, 5, 7]

If you need to, you can also use : to match a list with an exact number of elements. In fact, in the secondElem example above, we've used it to match a list with exactly one element. Here's an example of how to use it to pattern-match on a list with exactly two elements:

let x:y:[] = [1, 2]

Be careful how you use this. The following will always throw an error because you are forcing the last : to match with a [] (empty list), but instead it gets a [3] (list with single element 3). If you want this to work, you'll have to go back to the first example in this section.

-- the following will always throw an error...
let x:y:[] = [1, 2, 3]

Here's a complex example using both kinds of pattern matching. This converts a given list into a English phrase, such as "x, y, and z". For the four special cases (where the length has three, or fewer, elements) we use [], whereas for the most general case, we use :

-- Complex example using multiple list-related functions
let x = [1, 5, 20, 77, 45, 67]
in case x of
  [] -> "(none)"
  [a] -> show a
  [a, b] -> show a ++ " and " ++ show b
  [a, b, c] -> show a ++ ", " ++ show b ++ ", and " ++ show c
  (a:b:c) -> show a ++ ", " ++ show b ++ ", and (" <> (show $ length c) <> ") more"

Iterating over a Haskell list

If you're starting out, you'd be surprised to know that there is no way to "iterate" over a list in Haskell, in a way that you might already be familiar with. To be specific, there's no way to do the following in Haskell:

// Familiar for-loops are NOT possible in Haskell!

var lst = [1, 5, 7, 2, 8, 10];
var sum = 0;
for(i = 0; i < lst.length; i++) {
  sum = sum + lst[i];

If your thought-process requires you to iterate over a list, step back and think about why you need to it. Merely iterating over a list is not interesting; what you do in each iteration is the interesting part. And the Data.List module has a rich set of functions which help you visit and do something with each element in a list, without having to write a for(i=0; i<l; i++) boilerplate each time.

Keep this in mind when you're reading about the various operations you can do with lists. Haskell almost forces you to express your solution using a higher-level API, instead of dropping down to a for-loop every time. Get familiar with the Data.List API - you will be using it a lot when writing real-world Haskell code.


The closest that you can get to a for-loop in Haskell, is the foldl (or foldr) function. Almost every other function in Data.List can be written using this function. Or, you always have the option of implementing any iteration as a recursion - that's really the "lowest level" of getting this done - but it is not the idiomatic way of doing simple data transformations in Haskell.

Appending / Joining / Growing Haskell lists

There are four ways to join / concatentate / append / grow Haskell lists:

(++) :: list1 -> list2 -> joined-list

When you have a few known lists that you want to join, you can use the ++ operator:

[True, False] ++ [False, False] 
[1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5, 6] ++ [10, 20, 30, 50, 90]

You can also use the ++ operator in it "prefixed function" form. This is useful short-cut when you want to pass it to another function, such as a foldl, and don't want to write the verbose (\x y -> x ++ y)

-- you need to put parantheses around the operator otherwise Haskell 
-- will throw a parse-error
(++) [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6]

concat :: list-of-lists -> joined-list

While ++ is useful to join a fixed/known number of lists, sometimes you're dealing with an unknown/varying number of lists. In all probability you will represent them as a "list of lists". To join them together, use the concat function:

concat [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [10, 20, 30, 40], [100, 200, 300]]

(:) :: element -> list -> consed-list

The : operator is also known as a the cons operation, is actually a constructor of the [] type (it's a subtle fact that you don't need to bother with for most use-cases). Use it when you want to add a single element to the beginning of a list


Be careful, that the single element comes first, and the list comes next.

let x = [10, 20, 30]
    y = 99
in y:x

You can also cons on top of an empty list. The example given below is the same as saying [999]


intercalate :: delimeter -> list -> joined-list

This function is typically used with a list of Strings where you want to join them together with a comma, or some other delimiter. Remember that a String is a type-synonym for [Char], so when intercalate is used with strings the type-signature specializes to: [Char] -> [[Char]] -> [Char], which is the same thing as String -> [String] -> String

intercalate ", " ["Haskell", "Tutorials", "Are", "Awesome"]


Do not confuse intercalate with the similarly named intersperse. The latter does not join lists.

Determining the length of a Haskell list


Finding a single element in a Haskell list

There are four commonly used ways to find a single element in a list, which vary slightly.

find :: condition -> list -> Maybe element

The most general function for finding an element in a list that matches a given condition. Two things to note about this function:

  1. It returns a Maybe a, because it is possible that no element matches the given condition.
  2. It return the first matching element
-- Find the first element greater than 10
find (\x -> x > 10) [5, 8, 7, 12, 11, 10, 99]

The following example is the same as the previous one, just written in a point free syntax.

-- Find the first element greater than 10
find (> 10) [5, 8, 7, 12, 11, 10, 99]

A slightly more complex example where we do something on the basis of whether an element exists in a list, or not (remember, the result is not a Bool, but a Maybe a):

-- Find the first user that has an incorrect age (you can possibly 
-- use this to build some sort of validation in an API)
let users = [("Saurabh", 35), ("John", 45), ("Doe", -5)]
in case (find (\(_, age) -> age < 1 || age > 100) users) of
  Nothing -> Right users
  Just (name, age) -> Left $ name <> " seems to have an incorrect age: " <> show age

elem :: element -> list -> Bool

Use elem if you want to check whether a given element exists within a list. Two important differences with find:

  1. The first argument to elem is the actual element you're searching for, whereas for find it is a condition to be applied to each element. elem implicitly uses the == operator to check for equality when searching for the given element, which is why there is an Eq a type-class constraint in its type-signature.
  2. In the case of elem the result is a Bool, since you've already specified the exact element you're searching for. Whereas in the case of find the result is a Maybe a because you don't know beforehand which element will match the given condition.
elem 5 [1, 2, 5, 10]

Usually, elem is used in its infix form, because it is easier to verbalize mentally.

5 `elem` [1, 2, 5, 10]
("Saurabh", 35) `elem` [("Saurabh", 35), ("John", 45), ("Doe", -5)]

notElem :: element -> list -> Bool

notElem is the negation of elem

any :: condition -> list -> Bool

any lies in the "middle" of find and elem. It allows you to specify your own condition (like find), but simply returns a True/False (like elem) depending upon whether a match was found, or not.

let users = [("Saurabh", 35), ("John", 45), ("Doe", -5)]
in if (any (\(_, age) -> age < 1 || age > 100) users)
  then Left "Some user has an incorrect age. Please fix the input data"
  else Right users

Filtering / Rejecting / Selecting multiple elements from a Haskell list

There are three general ways to filter / reject / select multiple elements from a Haskell list:

  • You want to go through the entire list and decide whether the element should be present in the resultant list, or not. You'd want to use filter for this.
  • You want to extract the first (or last) N elements of a list (and N is independent of the contents of the list). You'd want to use take or takeEnd in this case.
  • You want to stop selecting elements (basically terminate the iteration) as soon as a condition is met. For example:
    • Select all elements from the beginning of a list of Char till you reach a delimiter, say ,. This could be the core of a home-grown CSV parser (although you shouldn't have to write it -- there's a library for that!)
    • You'd use one of takeWhile, dropWhile, or dropWhileEnd in this case.


Why is there no takeWhileEnd ?

filter :: condition -> list -> filtered-list

The filter function selects all elements from a list which satisfy a given condition (predicate).


This function is unfortunately named, because filter could mean either the act of selecting, or the act of removing elements based on a condition. I still get confused about which it is!

-- select all even elements from a list
filter (\x -> x `mod` 2 == 0) [1..20]
-- A more complex example that uses `filter` as well as `null`
let users = [("Saurabh", 35), ("John", 45), ("Trump", 105), ("Biden", 88), ("Doe", -5)]
    incorrectAge = filter (\(_, age) -> age < 1 || age > 100) users
in if (null incorrectAge)
   then Right users
   else Left $ "Multiple users seem to have an incorrect age: " <> show incorrectAge

take :: number-of-elements-to-take -> list -> shorter-list

take is used to take the first N elements from the beginning of a list. If N is greater than the list's length, this function will NOT throw an error. It will simply return the entire list.

-- Simple example
let x = [1, 5, 20, 77, 45, 67]
in take 3 x
-- `N` is greater than the list length
let x = [1, 5, 20, 77, 45, 67]
in take 10 x


If you'd like to look at just the first element of the list, use one of the following methods instead:

  • Pattern match on the first element
  • null - if you just want to check if the list is non-empty.
  • uncons - if you want to split the list into it's "head" (first element) and "tail" (remaining elements)
  • head - Caution: Use this if, and only if, you are 100% sure that the list is non-empty. This function is infamously unsafe, and will throw an error on empty lists.

drop :: number-of-elements-to-drop -> list -> shorter-list

drop removes the first N elements from a given list. If N is greater that the list's length, an empty list will be returned.

takeWhile :: condition -> list -> shorter-list

Keep taking (selecting) elements from the beginning of a list as long as the given condition holds true.

Here's how you can keep selecting Chars till you encounter a ,:

-- keep selecting elements from a [Char] till we encounter a comma
takeWhile (\x -> x /= ',') ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']

Same example, but using the familar syntax of writing a String, which is a type-synonm for [Char]

-- keep selecting elements from a [Char] till we encounter a comma
takeWhile (\x -> x /= ',') "Hello,World"

Same example, but in point-free syntax:

-- keep selecting elements from a [Char] till we encounter a comma
takeWhile (/= ',') "Hello,World"

dropWhile :: condition -> list -> shorter-list

dropWhile is similar to takeWhile, but instead of selecting elements based on the given condition, it removes them from the beginning of the list instead.

dropWhileEnd :: condition -> list -> shorter-list

dropWhileEnd is similar to dropWhile, but instead of removing elements from the beginning of the list, it removes them from the end instead.