Webapp Framework ================ Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 migrations basic-crud strict-validations db-transactions Outline ------- #. Overall project layout - partial design:: projectRoot | |-- src | | | |-- Models | | | | | |-- User | | | \-- Types | | | | | |-- Customer | | | \-- Types | | | | | |-- Order | | | \-- Types | | | | | \-- (and so on) | | | |-- Endpoints | | | | | |-- User | | | \-- Types | | | | | |-- Customer | | | \-- Types | | | | | |-- Order | | | \-- Types | | | | | \-- (and so on) | | | \-- Foundation | | Import | | DBImport | \-- Types | |-- Currency | |-- PrimaryKey | |-- Config | \-- (and so on) | |-- app | \-- Main | | |-- autogen | \-- AutoGenarated | | | |-- Models | | |-- User | | |-- Customer | | |-- Order | | \-- (and so on) | | | |-- PrimaryKeys | | |-- UserId | | |-- CustomerId | | |-- OrderId | | \-- (and so on) | | | \-- Classes (used for lenses) | |-- Id | |-- Name | |-- Phone | \-- (and so on) | |-- autogen-config.yml | \-- scripts #. Models / Database #. Naming conventions - almost final design #. Migrations: Creating and editing models - almost final #. Strict validations - WIP #. Query helpers - partial design #. DB transactions & savepoints - partial design #. Creating JSON APIs - WIP #. Basic JSON API - almost final #. API-specific validations - WIP #. File-uploads - WIP #. Frontend/UI code #. Communicating with JSON APIs - WIP #. Validations - WIP #. Static assets - WIP #. Logging #. File based logging - almost final #. Exception/error notifications - WIP #. Performance metrics in production - WIP #. Sending emails - almost final #. Job queues - partial design #. Testing - WIP #. Deployment - WIP #. Authentication & authorization - WIP #. Audit logs - partial design